Private Law
The Private Law Department includes the areas of:
- Civil Law
- International Private Law
- Procedural Law
- Roman Law
In the Faculty of Law the Department is responsible for the following undergraduate courses: Roman Law; Civil Law: Person and Property; Civil Law: Obligations and Contracts; Procedural Law 1; Family and Inheritance Law; Aragonese Civil Law; Procedural Law 2; International Private Law.
Contact/Secretary of the Department:
Corporate Law
The Corporate Law Department comprises the following areas:
- Financial and Tax Law
- Commercial Law
- Employment and Social Security Law
In the Faculty of Law the Department is responsible for the following degree courses: Individual and Collective Employment Law; Social Welfare Law; Commercial Law 1; Commercial Law 2; Financial and Tax Law; Financial and Tax Law 2; Competition Law.
Contact/Secretary of the Department:
Public Law
The Department of Public Law is formed by the following areas:
- Constitutional Law
- Administrative law
- Public International Law
- Church and State Law
In the Faculty of Law, the Department is responsible for the following Degree courses: Fundamentals of Constitutional Law; International Public Law; Constitutional Law 1; Freedom of Religion and Belief and Intercultural Understanding; Church and State Law; EU Institutions; Constitutional Law 2; General Administrative Law; Special Administrative Law; Environmental Law; Regional Economic and Administrative Law.
Contact/Secretary of the Department:
Criminal Law, Philosophy of Law and History of Law
The Department is made up of the following areas:
- Criminal Law
- Philosophy of Law
- History of Law
In the Faculty of Law the Department is responsible for the following subjects: Historical development of law in Spain; Theory of law; Criminal law general part; Criminal law special part; Ethics and Law; Law and Sociology; Interpretation and argumentation in law; Communication and expression techniques for lawyers.
Contact/Secretary of the Department:
Area of Applied Economics
The area of applied economics belongs to the Department of Economic Structure and History and Public Economy.
At the Faculty of Law, it is responsible for the following Degree courses: Introduction to Economics; Accounting for Lawyers.
Contact/Secretary of the Department